Updated: Apr 21, 2021
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AR refers to a three-dimensional (3D) technology that integrates the physical and digital worlds to enhance users’ visualization of the real-world with virtual objects through graphic computing and object recognition technologies (Azuma et al., 2001; Redondo, Cozar-Gutierrez, Gonzalez-Calero & Ruiz, 2019).
The positive effects of AR on learning include improved performance, increased motivation and engagement, and fostered collaboration among learners (Radu, 2014).
AR is of great potential in the field of language education as it has features such as contextual visualization (i.e., presenting virtual information in rich contexts) and learning interactivity (i.e., embodying interactions with virtual content) (Chen, Wang, Zou, Xie, & Tsai, 2019).

Application of AR in e-learning
AR applications are based on three pillars: “tools to track information about real-world objects of interest; hardware and software to process information; and devices to show the user the digital information integrated into the real environment” (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018, p. 110).
With great potentiality for education, AR has been widely applied to facilitate the learning of humanities and arts, eHealth, science, engineering, manufacturing and construction.
AR applications in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education mostly offered exploration or simulation activities to assist students’ understanding of concepts, development of spatial and practical skills, as well as scientific inquiry learning (Ibáñez & Delgado-Kloos, 2018).

Potentiality of AR-based EFL learning
As AR features visualization and interactivity, it has great potentiality for enhancing EFL learning in terms of contextual visualization (i.e., presenting virtual information in rich contexts) and learning interactivity (i.e., embodying interactions with virtual content).
The literature indicated that AR-based learning is underpinned by two theories, experiential learning and contiguity principle of multimedia learning (Teng, et al., 2018).
Experiential learning considers experiences as the source of learning and believes that learning happens when students create meaningful experiences from scenarios, based on which, Huang, et al. (2016) developed an AR-based ecological system and found positive results.
The contiguity principle of multimedia learning, which advocates integrating texts with corresponding graphics or objects, has also been widely applied to EFL learning and confirmed as practical and reliable (Jiang, et al., 2017).

AR Tools for App Development
Augmented reality applications are broadly classified into two major categories.
Marker-based applications are based on image recognition. These types of apps use a marker of black and white color to display the AR contents.
Location-based application uses GPS technology and not the markers. It uses the GPS, accelerometer or compass of mobiles to detect the location and then argument objects on their actual positions.
1. Vuforia
Vuforia is one of the best tools for developing applications based on Augmented Reality. It comes with a number of useful features using which one can design great performing AR applications. It also supports all the major platforms including Android and iOS.
It supports multiple objects like boxes, toys, images, etc. And also supports text recognition.

2. ARToolkit
ARToolKit is a popular open source tool for developing AR based applications. In spite of being free to use application and it still contains some of the advanced features found in top paid tools. It even supports both single and dual cameras. Another useful feature of this tool kit is that it supports Digital compass and GPS using which location-based AR app can be created effortlessly.
The platform it supports include iOS, Android, Linux, Windows, etc.

3. Google ARCore ARCore is a really good tool which is loaded with features. This tool works with unreal, utility and Java. Some of the features of ARCore include Monitor tracking, Environment Understanding, Light estimation, etc.
Google AR supports almost all the android devices working on 7.0 or higher version.

4. EasyAR
EasyAR is again a good alternative to Vuforia and it is free to use AR toolkit. But you should never underestimate it as it comes with various new features.
What it is