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ADDIE: How to organize your e-learning plan

Writer's picture: Didi ZouDidi Zou

Updated: Apr 21, 2021

<The images/ videos/ partial content are from the internet. These materials are for educational reference only. >


An instructional design model that helps instructors, instructional designers and training specialists plan and create instruction.


Doing analysis before developing and implementing training can save a lot of time and resources

Instructional goals

What the goal of this training would be: How to make a pizza

  • How to build every type of pizza?

  • Or how to make a certain type of pizza?

Finding out and making a clear instructional goal can save a lot time and effort: How to make a pizza

  • Instructional goal: How to make a simple pepperoni pizza

Instructional analysis

A curriculum creator defines and writes out all of the steps necessary to carry out the instructional goals.

All of the necessary steps: How to make a pizza

  • Roll out the dough, Throw on the sauce, pepperoni and toss

Each steps can have its own sub steps: How to make a pizza

  • Roll out the dough

  1. How to make dough,?

  2. Where to buy it?

  3. What techniques and tools to roll it out

Learner analysis

What your learner already know?

  • Research

  • Interviews and surveys

It helps to know how much or how little to teach

  • Save time and effort in teaching

Learning objectives

What students should be able to do when instruction is completed

  1. Skills

  2. Attitude

  3. Knowledge

Learning objectives are based on instructional analysis and learner analysis: How to make a pizza

At the end of our course, our student should be able to:

  1. Describe how to make pizza dough from scratch

  2. Demonstrate how to roll it out evenly

  3. Show how to add sauce, cheese and pepperoni correctly

  4. Explain what temperature the pizza needs to be cooked

Knowing the learning objectives helps to design the course


Design assessments

How you are going to test your learner’s knowledge, attitudes and skills

Goals: performance objectives

Learners: what you learn about your learner

Context: assess skills in the context as close to the performance setting


  1. Assessment questions should written clearly with correct punctuation and grammar

  2. Avoid the temptation to trick your learner intentionally writing complicated or misleading questions

Choose a course format

The medium by which the course is presented to the learners.

Courses can be taught

  1. Traditional classroom setting

  2. Self-paced workbook over the internet

  3. Blended course that combine different methods

Create an instructional strategy

Instructional strategy is the collection of

  • Lectures

  • Readings

  • Discussion

  • Projects

  • Worksheets

  • Assessments

  • Activities


To help students learn the course content

Major learning components of instructional strategy:

Pre Instructional activities Content presentation: to motivate your learners and illustrate the course objectives

  • Include a way to motivate your learners

  1. See the value of learning material

  2. Internalize the instruction

  • Find a way to illustrate the course objectives

  1. Organize components of instruction

  2. Know how to apply the knowledge

Content presentation: content should be concise and examples should be included

  1. Make sure the content is concise

  2. Avoid unnecessary detail

  3. Stick to the objectives to the class

  4. Include examples

Learner participation: allow students to practice and provide them with feedback

  1. It is important to plan plenty of learner participation

  2. Allowing students to practice the tasks

  3. Providing students with feedback

Assessment: final assessment, practice assessment, attitude assessment

  1. Final assessment

  2. Practice assessment

  3. Attitude assessment

  4. How the learners feel about the course: Follow-through activities

Follow-through activities: the review of the course strategy

  1. A review of entire course strategy

  2. Helping students internalize and apply instruction


Create a sample

Based on the analysis and design phases: How to do a newspaper route?

  • A portion of the map

  • A paragraph of the written instruction

  • Instructional strategy

Show the progress and get feedback

Develop the course materials

It is a real-time rehearsal of the course using all the materials and media you created

Treat your friend as a actual student

  • Feedback assessment: Areas that can be improved?

Time the run-through

  • Makes sure you can teach in the allowed time

Conduct a run-through


Train the instructor

Be familiar with the

  1. Course objectives

  2. Activities

  3. Media

  4. Assessment

All the materials should be ready well before the class section

Prepare the learners

Making sure the learners have the tools and knowledges necessary to participate in the class in higher education setting

  • Verifying students have taken the proper prerequisites: When and where the class was taking place?

  • Students have gone through any necessary orientation

  • Students are trained on learning management software: What materials students would have to provide for themselves

Arrange the learning space

More than making sure there are enough chairs and desks

  • The availability of technology that would be used in class

Test multimedia equipment

  • Makes sure the instruction go smoothly

Print out all the handouts

Make sure they have a whiteboard and markers

  • Putting full attention to delivering the course and focusing on learners experience


Make sure your course is helping the instructional goals

Formative evaluation

The continual appraisement of evaluating the instructional material when going through each part of the ADDIE process

One-to-one evaluation: Ask students a series of questions about the instructional materials

  1. Clarity: Is the message clear and easy to understand?

  2. Impact: Was it helpful in reaching the objectives and goals

  3. Feasibility: How practical is the material given the time and context of the class

Be carefully write out the assessment questions beforehand

  • Clear

  • Consistent

  • Objective

Helps to identify the most and least effective areas of the instruction to make improvement

Small group evaluation: Attitude questionnaire

  1. Was the instruction interesting?

  2. Did you understand what you are supposed to learn?

  3. Were the materials directly related to the objectives?

  4. Were there sufficient practice exercises?

  5. Did the test really measure your knowledge of the objectives?

  6. Did you receive sufficient feedback

Small group evaluation helps to further refine the instruction

Field trial: Real-time rehearsal (Similar to actual instructional setting)

  1. Clarity: Is the message clear and easy to understand?

  2. Impact: Was it helpful in reaching the objectives and goals

  3. Feasibility: How practical is the material given the time and context of the class

Make changes accordingly

Summative evaluation

Prove the worth of instruction:

▪Reaction: what went well in the course and what can be improved

  1. Writing a series of statement

  2. Asking students indicate how strongly they agree or disagree

  3. Documenting more specific reactions about the instructor, activities , assessments

  4. A few open-ended questions

  5. Overall strengths and weakness of the course

Make the feedback survey anonymous

→Encourage learners to truly express their attitudes

▪Learning: How well the students achieved the learning objectives?

  1. It could be done in the form of post-test

  2. Knowledge: achievement test

  3. Skills: performance test

  4. Attitudes: questionnaire (similar to the reaction survey)


  1. Measuring the transfer of knowledge, skills and attitudes

  2. training context vs actual performance setting

▪Results: How well the training affected things

  1. Profits

  2. Productivity

  3. Morale

  4. Job satisfaction

  5. Confidence

  6. Enjoyment


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