Formative Assessment with Flipped Classrooms
Updated: Jun 29, 2020
Do you want to stop taking papers home to grade?
You can achieve it in a flipped classroom.
In a flipped classroom, you can get a lot of time back since you are not delivering direct instruction.

Flipped classroom frees up class time for interactions and formative assessments with students.
Differentiated instruction
◉Talking to every kid in every class, every day
○Getting students moving along
○Getting valuable information for yourself about who has mastered what skills and concepts
It gives you the power to differentiate for each individual students based on the feedbacks.
Formative feedback
When teachers checking students everyday, they have all sorts of information and data. And they no longer need to wait until that summative assessment that final exam to know where the students are at.
Customized learning and assessment
Customized learning
Students are still going to be learning the same content but learning in a way that makes the most sense for them.
Customized assessment
Students are being assessed in a way that is individualized and differentiated for each of them.
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